The Radar2 app is still in preliminary distribution. It is available for free download for pilots who request the access password via email.
The app can be used anonymously or by entering the ICAO or OGN hexadecimal code of your aircraft (for OGN registrations go to When the app is used anonymously, the transmitted data are not considered reliable by the OGN network but will still be visible to Radar2 apps and sites that provide for the display of anonymous aircraft (i.e., or Radar2 Map page).
Currently the app does not use a dedicated radio module to connect to the air traffic network but relies on GSM coverage for its operation. Interoperability with other collision avoidance systems can also be extended by using an AGW Ground Station.
In addition to the navigation map and the anti-collision function, the app provides:
Indication of the current airspace and permitted altitude limits.
Report of nearby aerodromes with an indication of their glide reachability
Automatic Vector Finder (AVF) for automatic selection of the target aerodrome and for tracking and maintaining a direct route towards it
Instrument Landing Controller (ILC) for landing control with automatic activation as soon as you enter final
Display of some flight parameters: ground and air speed, altitude above sea level (+ agl), vertical speed and wind values.
Possibility of sending/sharing a link to your flight that can be viewed in real time (also as a virtual cockpit view) on other smartphones or PCs.
Strengths *
It is the only app which, in addition to showing aircraft with anti-collision systems, is also seen by other aircraft with anti-collision radio systems (in areas with ground gateways).
It uses a parametric algorithm that identifies the convergence of aircraft trajectories, not just the approach.
It is the only app that has an automatic ILC instrument
It is intuitive and very easy to use
It's free and does not have any annual fees.
A detailed description of the app's features is given in the Instructions for Use and Terms and Conditions documents (available from the app menu).
Users who do not intend to use the app for aeronautical purposes can test it within the "test circuit" by selecting the "Radar2 test" traffic provider (see the Map page for test circuit and "private rooms"). The use of the app in the test circuit or in "receive only" mode is free and does not need a password.